3. Photo editor
4. Sound recorder
5. FM radio
10. Email
1. Gmail
2. Hotmail
3. Other Email accounts
11. STK
12. Organizer
1. Ebook reader
2. Calendar
3. Tasks
4. Alarms
5. Unit converter
1) Weight
2) Length
6. Currency converter
7. Stopwatch
1) Typical stopwatch
2) nWay stopwatch
8. World clock
9. Notes
* Please check with your service provider for more detail before using this function
The information contained in the FXP-861R / 862R user guide is believed to be
correct at the time of printing. We reserve the right to change or modify any
information, product specifications, features or functionality without notice. The
contents of the FXP-861R / 862R user guide are provided “as is.” Certain features
may not be activated by your service provider, and/or their network settings may limit
the feature’s functionality. Additionally, certain features may require a subscription.
Contact your service provider for details.