The Motorola Vehicle Adapter adapts Motorola GP Series Professional Portable
Radios for operation in vehicles.
The Vehicle Adapter is marketed as a kit which consists of:
¥ a radio holder including an adjustable support bracket.
¥ a hand-held mobile microphone.
¥ an RF Switch adapter.
¥ adapter battery spacers and cover.
¥ automotive blade connectors with mating parts for the terminations of the
Vehicle Adapter ßying cable.
The Þve VA kits are as follows:
A set of spacers and inserts, provided with the Vehicle Adapter, is Þtted to
accommodate both lengths of radio front housing and the three sizes of battery.
The Vehicle Adapter operates from a 12V or 24V, negative earth vehicle supply
and incorporates a charging circuit that automatically charges the radioÕs battery,
providing it is one of the Motorola recommended types (Refer to Table 1). A built-
in 5W audio ampliÞer is provided to allow the use of an (optional) external 4 Ohm
speaker if required.
The Vehicle Adapter has
provision for computer
access, via an RS232
interface on a DB9 connector,
to support MAP27,
programming, conÞguration
and diagnostics. A Car Radio
Mute Signal (CRMS) is also
provided which may be used
to mute an in-vehicle radio
from an ÔOff HookÕ signal
Before the radio can be used
in the Vehicle Adapter it must be Þtted with an RF Switch adapter, appropriate for
the frequency range of the portable radio. The RF Switch adapter Þts between the
portable radio antenna socket and the portable radio antenna.
When the radio with the RF Switch adapter Þtted, is placed into the Vehicle
Adapter, the resulting combination operates as a mobile radio.
Mid Band - 66 to 88 MHz
VHF - 136 to 174 MHz
UHF - 403 to 470 MHz
UHF(2) - 450 to 527 MHz
300 MHz - 300 to 350 MHz
RF Switch
Antenna socket
of portable radio
Figure 1- Radio with RF Switch
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