Net for J2ME
CxD media team will provide or approve any J2ME menu icons or
Rendering guidelines for J2ME menu prompt items or J2ME menu list
items with associated URLs shall be outlined in CxD NES:
SYN2_NES_058 documentation.
The phone should be flexed to allow URLs within J2ME in one of the
following combinations:
URLs allowed in the Games and Apps menu
URLs allowed in the Java Tools menu only
URLs allowed in the BOTH Games and Apps menu AND the
Java Tools menu
URLs not allowed Games and Apps menu AND URLs not
allowed in the Java Tools menu (URLs not allowed in either
J2ME Context-Sensitive Menu Options
The J2ME application is required to embed Invisible Net prompts and URLs within the all
J2ME context-sensitive menus.
Prompt Requirements
All prompts referred to in this document must be flexible. The following rules apply:
Position of J2ME menu list items and context-sensitive menu prompt items must
be approved by the appropriate representatives from the product team, the
region, the customer, CxD and Technical Marketing.
All prompts (including menu list items) must be approved via the CR process
(asyn_prompts class).
MA-specific/translation information: Prompts as stated above will be flexible and may
need translation.
User manual impact: (yes/no): Yes
Hardware Requirements
Product specific restrictions may apply based on memory constraints.
Invisible Net for J2ME functionality is available only on products which have browser
capability or products which use HTTP Downloading for J2ME applications.
Interoperability Requirements
SDK requirements and Developer/Style Guide:
The associated right softkey when a URL will be launched shall be GO TO.