September 20, 2004
Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) and Identification
Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) and Identification
SIM Card
A SIM is required to access the existing local GSM network, or remote networks
when traveling (if a roaming agreement has been made with the provider).
The SIM contains:
• All the data necessary to access GSM services.
• The ability to store user information such as phone numbers.
• All information required by the network provider to provide access to the net-
Personality Transfer
A personality transfer is required when a phone is express exchanged or when the
main board is replaced. Personality transfers reproduce the customer's original
personalized details such as menu and stored memory such as phone books, or even
just program a unit with basic user information such as language selection. A780
telephones use TrueSync® synchronization software to effect a personality transfer.
Each Motorola GSM device is labeled with a variety of identifying numbers. The
following information describes the current identifying labels.
Mechanical Serial Number (MSN)
The Mechanical Serial Number (MSN) is an individual unit identity number and
remains with the unit throughout the life of the unit.
The MSN can be used to log and track a unit on Motorola's Service Center Database.
The MSN is divided into 4 sections as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16. MSN Label breakdown
MSN 10 Digits
3 Digits
1 Digit
2 Digits
4 Digits
Account Product Code
i.e. StarTAC Phone130
Distribution Center
i.e. Easter Inch
Date Code: Year and
Month of Shipment
Unit's individual serial