When the radio connects to a repeater, it plays a tone, displays the
Repeater available
and shows an appropriate icon. When the radio loses connection with the repeater, it plays a tone,
displays the
Repeater not available
message, and the repeater icon is blinking.
Communication Through Gateways
Gateway provides connectivity between radios operating in Direct Mode Operation (DMO) and the
TETRA network, so that the DMO radios can communicate with the Trunked Mode Operation (TMO)
Figure 5: Communication Through Gateways
Radio behavior when radio connects to a gateway:
• A tone is sound.
Gateway available
message is displayed.
• An appropriate icon is shown.
Radio behavior when radio loses connection with the gateway:
• A tone is sound.
Gateway not available
message is displayed.
• The gateway icon is blinking.
SDS through DMO Gateways or Repeaters
Radios operating in DMO can send the following message types to other radios through DMO
Gateways or Repeaters:
• SDS Status
• SDS User-Defined Data Types 1, 2, 3
• SDS User-Defined Data Type 4 with or without SDS Transport Layer (SDS - TL)
• GNSS/GPS LIP messages
Both DMO Gateways and Repeaters can forward messages in Reservation and Idle mode. The
supported forwarding directions are:
• DMO group address to TMO group address.
Chapter 2 : Services and Features