Flashing Code
Diagnosis Description
Recommended solving methods
Flicker one
time slowly
Hall malfunction of the
left motor
Check the welding situation of the connection device of the left
motor or check the internal hall component
Flicker two
times slowly
Hall malfunction of the
right motor
Check the welding situation of the connection device of the
right motor or check the internal hall component
Flicker three
Malfunction of battery
Try to charge.
times slowly
or charger
Maybe need to replace the battery or the charger. Check if the
battery or power wire is loose.
Flicker four
times slowly
malfunction of the left
Check the left motor, connection device and power wire are
loose or not.
Flicker five
times slowly
malfunction of the right
Check the right motor, connection device and power wire are
loose or not.
Flicker six
times slowly
malfunction of left
Check the left brake, connection device and power wire are
loose or not.
Flicker seven
times slowly
malfunction of the right
Check the right brake, connection device and power wire are
loose or not.
Flicker eight
times slowly
Malfunction of
Please contact the manufacturer
Flicker nine
times slowly
Communication error
Check the electrical coupler, connection and circuit are loose or
Flicker four
times quickly
Overcurrent of the left
Releasing the rocker can eliminate the malfunction.
Flicker five
times quickly
Overcurrent of the right
Releasing the rocker can eliminate the malfunction.