1. Charge the rechargeable batteries before using. Even if the rechargeable
batteries are not charged, you can use the microscopes as long as the
charger is connected and turned on.
2. To maintain a longer life span of the rechargeable batteries and to save
energy, switch off the power supply if not in use.
* For optional accessories only.
B. Focusing the microscope
1. Revolve the nosepiece to place the objective 4X in the optical path,
checking that it is clicked into place.
2. Turn the coarse focusing knob until the stage is set to its lowest position.
3. Place the microscopic specimen slide on the stage, making sure that the
cover slip is raised.
Swing out the moveable stage clip on the mechanical specimen holder,
against the fixed stage clip and gently
release the moveable clip until the preparation is well fixed into place.
For models with plain stage: Raise the specimen holder clips by
putting downward pressure on the back part, slide the specimen slide
under the clips, and release pressure so that the slide is well fixed
4. Insure that the specimen to be examined is in the optical path. To do
so, adjust the knobs controlling the X/Y movement of the stage or
manually for models with plain stage.
5. Looking through the eyepiece, adjust the coarse focus knob until the
specimen appears in focus.
6. Readjust the focus with the fine focus knob until the image appears in