the information contained in this manual
are subject to change without notice.
The instructions in this manual are intended as indi-
cative only. It is the responsibility of the owner/opera-
tor to evaluate risks and potential damages in relation
to the use of the product in the specific conditions of
Remember that the non observance of the indica-
tions of this manual may result in damage to people
or things.
In all cases, however, it is understood that the use
shall be in compliance with the applicable laws/regu-
• Before operating the machine, read carefully the
safety instructions contained in this manual, on the
manual of the generating set and all other manuals
• All operations, handling, installation, use, mainte-
nance, repair should be carried out by authorized
and qualified personnel.
• When operating, wear personal protective equip-
ment (PPE): footwear, gloves, helmet, etc..
• The owner is responsible for maintaining the equip-
ment in safe conditions.
Use only in perfect technical conditions
The machinery or equipment must be used in per-
fect technical condition. Remove immediately any
defects that may affect the safe conditions of use.
• Before starting to use this equipment it is important
to take knowledge of all the controls of the machine,
all its functions and its correct installation in order to
avoid accidents to people and damage to the ma-
chine itself. In particular, it is important to know how
to stop the equipment quickly in case of emergency.
• Do not allow the use of the machine to people un-
less previously instructed with all the information for
a proper, safe use.
• Forbid the access in the operational area to non au-
thorized personnel, children and pets so as to pro-
tect them from possible injury caused by any part of
the machine.
• Lift the machine using only the points allocated for
this function.
The lifting eye (or eyes) and the correct positioning
of the forks of the forklift are marked with specific
• Before moving a lighting tower lower the telescopic
mast and block properly all movable parts such as
the access doors, the mast, the outriggers, the floo
• Clear the operational area of possible obstacles
and all unnecessary personnel.
• Always use lifting equipment properly sized and
controlled by enabled bodies.
• Do not submit the machine and the lifting equipment
to swinging or shock which may transmit dynamic
stress to the structure.
It is forbidden to set on the frame
of the equipment objects or accessories that alter
weight and center of gravity and cause stresses not
foreseen to the lifting points.
Equipments with site tow
• Never drag the machine without trailer (or site tow)
• Check for a correct assembly of the machine to the
towing device.
• Always make sure that the hook of the vehicle is
suitable for towing of the total mass of the trailer.
• Do not tow the trailer if the coupling devices are
worn or damaged.
• Check for proper tire pressure.
• Do not replace the tires with types different from the
original ones.
• Check that the brakes and the optical signaling of
the trailer are working properly.
• Verify that the bolts of the wheels are in place and
well tightened.
• Do not park the machine (on trailer or site tow) on a
steep slope.
For the stops, not followed by a work session, al-
ways engage the parking brake and / or block the
wheels by means of wheel chocks.
• Do not tow the trailer on bumpy roads.
• Do not exceed the maximum permissible speed on
public roads of 80 km/h with the trailer, in any case
comply with the legislation applicable in the country
of use.
• Do not use the site tow on public roads, this is inten-
ded for use only in private and delimited areas. The
maximum permitted speed is 40 km/h on smooth
surfaces (asphalt or concrete), adapt in each case
the speed to the type of ground.
18/04/14 M2-5GB_TFNI9
The lighting towers is designed to be used with a
generating set or with a fixed mass on its base. The
weight and positioning of the generating set on the
base are essential for the safety of the lighting tower.
Failure to comply with this provision causes a serious
danger of tipping or instability during operation and
during handling with site tow If necessary, contact
the service.