Do not for any reason attempt to increase the firing of your heater by altering the air control
adjustment range outlined in these directions.
Warning: Fireplace stoves must never be left unattended with doors open.
If the doors are left partly open, gas and flame may be drawn out of the fireplace stove open-
ing, creating risks from both fire and smoke. We recommend you to fit a smoke detector in
the room where the stove is installed.
DO NOT OVERFIRE THIS HEATER. Overfiring may cause a house fire, or can result in per-
manent damage to the stove. If any part of the stove glows, you are overfiring.
5. When ready to reload, use a poker to spread the ember
across the firebox floor, bringing plenty towards the front
of the stove.
6. Lay three pieces of wood (see dimensions above) onto the
embers. Leave half an inch (1 cm) or more between each piece.
When using 10 inches (25 cm) logs, place the ends of your logs
towards the opening, but not too close to the front.
7. Close the door. Leave the primary air supply fully open.
8. After a few minutes, and adjust the primary air supply
to suit your heating requirements.
9. Anticipate each refueling, remembering to add a modest
layer of wood while there are still plenty of live embers, Re-
peat steps 5-8.