Distance to furniture
The recommended minimum distance from stove to furniture is 30 inches. Note that some
furniture is more easily affected by heat and may need to be moved to a greater distance. This
is your responsibility.
In addition other combustible materials, away from the stove. In general, a distance of 30 inches
must be maintained between the stove and moveable combustible item such as drying clothes,
newspapers, firewood etc.
Acid Protection
If acid-washing the masonry around the stove, protect the stove surface with an acid-proof
Fresh Air Inlet
Unless there is deemed to be sufficient ambient leakage of air into the room via doorways,
windows and the like, a dedicated fresh air inlet will be needed. This inlet should have
square inches (50 square mm) of free air space. This is particularly important where the
room is well sealed, or where an extractor hood or ventilation system disturbs the natural air
pressure. Such an inlet should not be on a wall that is usually subject to negative pressure
from normal wind pattern. Avoid placing the inlet directly across the room from the stove,
thus causing a cold air draft.
Do NOT install in a mobile home