The Specialist In Drum Handling Equipment
Model 82H-125
Mobile Lifter / Palletizer
with DC Power Lift
operator’s Manual for Model 82H-125 Morse Mobile Lifter / Palletizer
serial number 0312 to ____ (MMYY)
Copyright 2019 - Morse Mfg. Co., Inc.
Form PL82H-125 (0312-____)
(Updated 12 Jun, 2019 3:15 PM)
Machine Description
The Mobile Lifter / Palletizer is designed to lift and transport rimmed drums of various
diameters with a minimum drum height of 28”. Drums should weigh at least 75 Lb. to
complete clamping action. The maximum capacity is 1000 Lb.
The Morse Mobile Lifter / Palletizer is manually propelled and steered.
LIFt and Lower Function
(Figure 2.3)
To raise the drum
Push and hold the valve handle in against the start switch.
Release the handle when the drum is at the desired height.
To lower the drum: Pull and hold the valve handle out away from the start switch.
Keep hands and other objects away from top opening
of lifting frame
Keep hands and other objects away from drum-
gripping jaws.
Figure 2.3