The Specialist In Drum Handling Equipment
Model 80APS
Mobile-Karrier for Plastic or Steel Drum
operator’s Manual for Model 80APS Morse Mobile-Karrier
Serial number 0318 to ____ (MMYY)
Copyright 2019 - Morse Mfg. Co., Inc.
Form PL80APS (0318-____)
(Updated 12 Jun, 2019 8:25 AM)
Machine Description
The Mobile-Karrier is designed to lift, transport, and dispense a ribbed 55-gallon (210 liter)
steel drum 22.5” (57 cm) in diameter. The maximum capacity is 800 Lb. (363 kg).
operating Instructions
Roll the assembled Mobile-Karrier to the drum (assembly instructions are
on page 4).
Grip the push-handle, squeeze both release rods and raise the handle
to a position straight up. This lowers the saddle to reach the middle of
the drum. The cinch chain can be hung on the chain pin on top of left
stanchion to keep it off the floor.
Roll the Mobile-Karrier forward and push the saddle so that it slips around
the drum near the mid-point of the drum.
Secure the drum: Drape the cinch chain across the face of the drum
and engage a link into the notch in the hub of the ratchet (shown below
right). Pull up on ratchet handle to tighten the chain. If ratchet turns to the
extent that the pawl is beyond the last ratchet tooth and the chain is not
tight, back up and try putting the next link in the notch. The chain should
tighten as the ratchet turns and be held tight by the teeth of the ratchet and
pawl. Firm hand pressure on the ratchet handle should tension the chain
sufficiently to secure the drum. DO NOT use mechanical aids such as a
pipe to extend ratchet handle for extra leverage.
Pull down the push-handle to raise the drum. The Mobile-Karrier will hold
up the drum and may be rolled away carrying the drum.
Either one of the two spring loaded plunger tilt locks may be locked to
hold the drum upright. Unlocking both will permit the drum to be tilted.
Either one may be locked to hold the drum in the tilted position. It is
not necessary to lock both tilt locks. Before unlocking the tilt lock it is
recommended that you steady the drum and be prepared to resist its
tendency to tilt toward its heavy end.
Before unloading the drum, release the tilt locks and return the drum to
It is necessary to have a firm, two hand hold to lower the push-handle and
squeeze the release rods. With both release rods squeezed, the handle
will unlock and allow the weight of the drum to make the handle tend to
rise. Apply sufficient force to allow the handle to rise slowly to control the
descent of the drum.
a vertical drum and raise it as high as 11”(27.9 cm). With the drum held
horizontally, there can be as much as 17” (43.2 cm)floor clearance. There
are extra holes in the handle plates and links to provide adjustment for
various heights and drum weights. The greatest leverage, with the least lift
height is obtained when using the handle holes nearest the handle pivot.
This position is recommended for ease of use when extra floor clearance
is not necessary.
Periodic inspection for the general condition of structural and mechanical components is imperative for safe and efficient operation.
Periodically inspect all moving parts, framework, and contact areas for signs of wear, fatigue, or loosening. Tighten, adjust, or
replace parts as necessary to prevent failure and maintain proper function.
Grease wheel bearings periodically. Oil or grease all moving parts including: Tilt locks, fulcrum shafts, links, 1/2” carriage bolts, and
the ratchet and pawl.
Worn or damaged parts must be properly replaced with the correct, genuine Morse parts.
Tighten all nuts and bolts periodically, except the four 1/2” carriage bolts (assembly steps 1, 2 and 3) which should be just loose
enough to permit a hinging motion of the links and handle.