Operating instructions:
How to prepare Greek Coffee:
1. For the first use, please pull the handle up and clean the interior of the appliance with clean water.
: Do not immerse the electrical parts (on the bottom of the pot) into the water when you clean
the appliance.
2. For 1 Cup of coffee, put 1 tea spoon of coffee powder and 1 or more tea spoons (depending on your
preferences) of sugar into the pot. For more coffee, put more coffee power and sugar into the pot
3. Pour 100ml or more water into the pot.
: Do not exceed the Max. level(About 220ml)
4. Mix the coffee powder and the sugar within the water thoroughly
5. Put the pot on the base and. plug the appliance to the wall outlet.
6. Turn on the switch, the indicator light on the switch will display red color.
7. After a while, around a couple of minutes later (depending on the number of cups you are preparing),
the indicator light will twinkle, then go off, then twinkle again until it automatically switches off which is
the point where the coffee is ready for service.
8. At this time you must turn the switch to off and then take the pot off the base and get the finished
: The coffee liquid will never spill out because the sensor keep working.
9. By default, the appliance is designed to automatically stop boiling after two boiling rounds.
Alternatively it can be forced to stop by turning the switch to the off position.
: Even though our default setting is expected to prepare optimal Greek coffee, your personal taste
might differ. As a result, and in case you want to let your coffee boil for more time than the 2 cycles it is
programmed for, you can instantly turn the switch to off and then back to on once the default cycle has been
completed. At that point you can either wait for the second cycle to be performed, or in case you want to
slightly over-boil, you can shut down manually via the switch.
Disconnect the plug from the power supply. Use a soft cloth to clean the product outside. Using a small
amount of dish detergent in warm water and wash the internal side of the pot. After cleaning, rinse with water
to remove all the soap. Periodically you can de-scale the appliance so as to prolong the service life of the
product. In order to de-scale you can pour in the pot 1 cup of a mixture of water and white vinegar in split
quantities. Let the appliance run a full cycle and then let the mix in the pot for a couple of hours so that it can
dissolve all of the remaining lime-scale. Once cleaned, rinse with plenty of water so that all vinegar smell is