Oat Milk
Preparation time: 5 minutes (plus soaking)
Cooking time: 0 minutes
Setting: Blend
Serves: 2-5
Makes 950ml
80g Porridge (rolled) oats
1L cold water
Place the oats in a large bowl with the water, stir well, cover with cling film and refrigerate overnight.
Transfer the oat / water mixture to the Soup & Milk Maker Jug, fit the lid and Blend for 60 seconds in three
20 second bursts.
Pour the milk through a sieve and gently press with the back of a tablespoon to extract all the liquid.
Refrigerate and stir before use.
Cashew Nut Milk
Preparation time: 15 minutes (plus soaking)
Cooking time: 0 minutes
Setting: Blend
Serves: 4
Makes 1L
250g cashew nuts
Soak the cashews in a large jug of cold water for 12-16 hours.
Drain the cashews using a colander or sieve and rinse under cold running water. Place the cashews into
the Soup & Milk Maker Jug.
Add cold water up to the MIN mark on the Soup & Milk Maker Jug, fit the lid.
Select Blend and then press and hold the Select button for 20 seconds. Wait 2 seconds then blend again.
Repeat until the nuts are finely chopped (this should take around 80 seconds in four 20 second bursts).
When the milk is made, pour the contents of the Soup & Milk Maker Jug a little at a time through a fine
mesh sieve into a large measuring jug. Some cashew pulp will be present in the sieve, which may be
stirred gently to extract more liquid. Continue in this way until no more liquid runs through the sieve.
When only pulp remains in the sieve firmly press down with the back of a large serving spoon or
tablespoon to extract all available milk. This may take a few minutes.
Cover the jug with cling film and refrigerate.
Stir before use.
Hints & Tips:
This milk is ideal for pouring over breakfast cereals. If desired, for a creamier consistency follow the above
recipe but at point 3, add 600ml water to the Soup & Milk Maker Jug before blending. (The level of nuts
and milk will be below the MIN mark). This will produce approximately 600ml milk.
If required, the milk may be flavoured with a little honey to sweeten it.
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