[) Turn the Root ZX Apex Locator on—then connect probes.
') Place file in holder and connect lip clip to patient’s lip.
Dry all moisture from pulp chamber.
)Place a small amount of Glyde File Prep™ gel into canal; this will help prevent erratic readings.
) Advance file with gentle clockwise motion until audible beep is heard (at about Level 2).
) Continue clockwise advancement, nofing the meter’s movement toward the green bar. When beeps become
more rapid, the file is nearing a constriction. Continue advancing slowly until meter’s tooth symbol begins
flashing, signifying the file has reached a constriction.
) Gently continue advancing until beeping becomes solid or continuous. The file has reached the terminus, ot
apex. Very delicately continue advancing until the word "APEX" appears on the mefer and the red arrow to
right begins flashing. The file tip is now beyond the apex.
Carefully retract the file counterclockwise until the meter returns to the green bar area, and the tooth symb
begins flashing again. Now the file is at the apical constriction.