Emergency Stop Button
The procedures for stopping the machine with the EMERGENCY STOP button and resetting the
emergency state are described here.
Press the EMERGENCY STOP button.
Regardless of the operation mode (manual or
automatic), all machine operation, including axis
feed and spindle rotation, stops when the
EMERGENCY STOP button is pressed.
If the machine has more than one EMERGENCY
STOP button, all of these EMERGENCY STOP
buttons have the same function and pressing any
one of them can stop the machine.
When the EMERGENCY STOP button has been pressed to stop the machine during a
threading operation or a hole machining operation, especially a tapping operation (MC
type), carefully move the axes after checking the workpiece and cutting tool carefully
for damage. If you move the axes without due care, the workpiece and cutting tool may
collide or interfere with each other, and this could damage the machine.
The screen displays the information that the machine has
been stopped in the emergency stop state.
The message "EMG" blinks on and off on the screen.
<To restart operation>
Close the front door.
Pull out all the EMERGENCY STOP buttons to reset
the emergency stop state.
If the machine has more than one EMERGENCY
STOP button, it is necessary to pull out all the
EMERGENCY STOP buttons from the pushed
and locked position to reset the emergency state.