Kind of warranty
Frame type
2 years
Average accessories
Front fork, wheel, shift knob, flywheel, gear
drive, the crankshaft, the driving axle, rear hub,
screws hockey, complex steering wheel,
saddle pin, front brake calipoers, rear brake
calipers, brake handle, flipper, cup of front fork,
carriage, complex magnetic clasp of wheel.
1 year
Smart parts
Display, motor, motor controller, lights, power
adapter, sensor, battery, etc.
1 year
Tires, inner camera, chain, barke pads, brake
cable, cable for switching gears, reflector,
headlight, taillight, pedal clip for wires and all
additional components.
No warranty
1. A warranty period has expired;
2. Absence of sales receipt or it correction;
3. Damage, arising under force majeure circumstances;
4. Completion of maintenance, fall, neglect, abuse, water impact, accident, damaged label and marking device;
5. Device model, specified in the warranty card, does not match real goods;
6. Performing maintenance device, that does not meet guidelines, specified in instructions;
7. Emergence of unusual sound and vibration of pedals, rear bushings, steering systems, shock absorber, flywheel and other parts;
8. Deformation of wheels as a result of a heavy blow; damage to parts, caused by external factors or drop the bike; lowering the wheel
as a result of a sharp object punctured; damage to individual components due to delayed replacement parts; damage or scratches on
a saddle; frame damage as a result of installing a saddle above the specified limit height;
9. An emergence of flaking varnish, appearance of corrosion on a frame and other details of the bike due to moisture, shock, friction or
other external factors; natural shedding varnish or fading of colors on metal, carbon and plastic parts after prolonged use of the
10. Damage to the bicycle and its functions, as a result of its use to perform tricks, lowering the stairs, jumps and other similar actions;
11. Fracture or deformation of a frame as a result of excessive and improper use of a bicycle;
12. Built-in sensors are not subject to multiple charging. A warranty terms not apply to a dry battery, push-button type battery. When
battery is spent, its replacement is performed by user and one’s costs.