The use of any lumbar support device involves a potential risk to the
user if the device is not used properly. We therefore strongly advise
you to take the following steps when using Morfit back support:
Ensure that you have read and understood the advice and
instructions in this user manual before using Morfit.
If, having read this manual, you have any further queries concerning
the correct use of Morfit you should view our website or contact our
team for advice before using Morfit.
If you have any doubt regarding your individual needs relating to
Morfit or any pre-existing condition from which you are suffering, you
should contact our team for advice or consult your own doctor or a
suitably qualified medical practitioner prior to using or continuing to
use Morfit.
Never set up Morfit when driving.
If using Morfit, or following any of the advice in this user manual makes your pain
worse, stop immediately and contact us or consult your healthcare practitioner.
Ensure that the horizontal strap is well clear of any side airbag ports on the seat. If
you are not 100% positive that the strap is well away from the airbag ports, do not
use the horizontal strap.
Back pain is different for everyone so any treatment should be different too. Morfit
is effective because it is easy to set up and it takes the shape of YOUR back. Not
someone else’s.
For an enjoyable drive every time, Morfit remembers your unique posture and can be
reshaped as many times as you like.