The Reference
Shape could be an exact copy of Near Field response (even copy of another subwoofer’s response if a user wishes,
furthermore – the preset saves all parameters data + ref. shape, so one user can export it with preset by email, another
user may receive the preset and build a copy of this response on his own subwoofer) or simply horizontal line 0db,
depends on smoothness.
Controls: Frequency step delay 50:1000mS (a large hall may need a longer delay to compensate echo’s decay time),
Reference Shape Smoothness 0:100% (the target curve becomes 0db line if Smoothness = 100%), Max Boost 0:10db.
Fig 12. Result response after compensation
SPL Meter
SPL Meter is a simple FFT visualization instrument for checking and manual tweaking of frequency response.
Controls: White Noise generation On/Off. Peak hold reset by windows change. For instance, go to X-Over window and
back again to the SPL Meter to reset Peak Hold data.
Fig 13. SPL meter window.