Morehouse Instrument Company, Inc.
1742 Sixth Ave., York, PA 17403-2675 USA
Phone: (717) 843-0081
Page 7
Rev. 4/2021
Portable Calibrating
Machine Guide
Compression Adapters
A set of compression calibration adapters is required to perform compressive force calibration on force trans
ducers in a Portable Calibrating Machine. The set consists of two parts:
• Compression bearing pad
Ball seat adapter
These adapters are included with all Portable Calibrating Machines unless otherwise specified by the user. The
compression bearing pad is threaded directly on top of the reference standard load cell. The alignment hole at
the center of the compression bearing pad helps align the instrument under test. To use this feature, a set of
Morehouse alignment plug adapters must be mounted to the bottom part of the instrument. The alignment
plug adapter fits into the alignment hole to ensure that the reference standard load cell and unit under test
experience the same loading line. The ball seat adapter is threaded into the swiveling coupling nut, and has a
ball seat machined on the surface to accommodate load balls or loading studs with a spherical surface.
Figure 6: Calibration Setup with Compression Calibration Adapters
Ball Seat Adapter
Compression Bearing Pad
Reference Standard Load Cell
Unit Under Test
Swiveling Coupling Nut