Fieldbus Power Conditioner
Recommended Ground Wiring Practices
Moore Industries recommends the following ground
wiring practices:
• Any MooreHawke product in a metal case
or housing should be grounded.
• The protective earth conductor must be
connected to a system safety earth ground
before making any other connections.
• All input signals to, and output signals from
MooreHawke’s products should be wired
using a shielded, twisted pair technique.
Shields are to be connected to an earth or
safety ground at the unit itself.
• The maximum length of unshielded input
and output signal wiring should be 2 inches.
Fieldbus cable shields are “carried through” the
Carrier’s input/output terminals and require a suitable,
noise-free ground connection point.
CE Conformity
Installation of any MooreHawke products that carry CE
certification (Commission Electrotechnique)
here to the guidelines in
Recommended Ground Wiring
Practices (above) in order to meet the requirements
set forth in applicable EMC (Electromagnetic Compat-
ibility) directives 89/336/EEC, EN 61326. Consult the
factory for the most current information on products
that have been CE certified.
During normal operation, the GREEN LED should be lit
on all working Segment Power Conditioners.
If RED LED is ON, or GREEN LED is OFF, refer to the
Testing andTroubleshooting section of this document.
FPS200 Series modules contain no user-serviceable
parts. Non-functioning units under warranty should be
returned to MooreHawke for replacement or repair.
The FPS200 is manufactured using painted
steel (Conditioners), and polyamide and
polycarbonate plastics (Carriers). The user
and installer should take the performance of
these materials into account with regard to
possible attack by aggressive substances in
any specific installation.
Customer Support
If service assistance is ever required for an instrument
in your application, refer to the back cover of this
manual for the telephone numbers to MooreHawke’s
customer service department.
If possible, make a note of the model number of the
offending unit before calling. For fastest assistance,
have the following available: serial number and the job
and purchase order number under which it was