Rev. 1.0
SSDC-ECX-H/J Hardware Manual
1 Introduction
Thank you for selecting the MOONS
SSDC series step-servo drive and motor. The SSDC-EC
series are high performance EtherCAT fieldbus control step-servo drive which also integrates with
built-in motion controller. The SSDC-EC drive can operate as a standard EtherCAT slave using
CANopen over EtherCAT (CoE). The SSDC-ECX-H/J drive is the second generation of SSDC
series, which has more higher performance and supports Vender specific profile over EtherCAT
EtherCAT® is registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation
GmbH, Germany.
1.1 Features
• Programmable, digital step-servo drive and motor package
• Push-in spring type connector, faster and reliable connection
• CANopen over EtherCAT (CoE) with full support of CiA402. Based on the widely used
100BASE-TX cabling system and with a baud rate of 100Mbps full-duplex, EtherCAT enables
high speed and highly reliable communication
Vender specific profile over EtherCAT (VoE) is contribute to update the firmware over
Supported modes: Profile Position, Profile Velocity, Profile Torque, Cyclic Synchronous
Position, Cyclic Synchronous Velocity and Homing mode as well as MOONS
own Q mode
• Current output
SSDC06 output current
continuous 6A/phase
peak of sin
boost 7.5A(1.5s)
SSDC10 output current
continuous 10A/phase
peak of sin
boost 15A(1.5s)
• Wide range input voltage:
• Encoder resolution
20000 counts/rev (AM17/23/24/34SS-N motor)
4096 counts/rev (AM11/17/23/24/34RS motor)
• Abundant I/O interface
3 optically isolated digital inputs,5-24VDC
1 optically isolated digital outputs,max30V/100mA
5 optically isolated digital inputs,5-24VDC
2 optically isolated digital outputs,max30V/100mA
1 analog in
puts can be configu
red to 0-5V, 0-10V,
5V or
10V signal ranges
• Communication
Dual-port RJ45 for EtherCAT communication
USB port for configuration