MOON HDS-8 HDMI 1.3a Switcher
Operating the HDS-8
Turning on your MOON HDS-8 for the first time:
Prior to turning the HDS-8 on for the first time, make sure that all cables are properly connected to avoid any problems. To
power up your HDS-8, flick the main rocker switch labeled “MAIN POWER”, located on the rear panel, to the ‘1’ (on) position.
When the HDS-8 12V trigger input is connected to the CP-8:
Place the MOON CP-8 into operational mode by pressing the button labelled “Standby” on its front panel. The HDS-8 will
automatically become operational at the same time as a result of the 12V trigger connection. The blue LED on the front panel
will illuminate indicating that the HDS-8 is ready for use. Pressing the MOON CP-8’s “Standby” button again will place it
into “Standby” mode and will effectively place the HDS-8 back into “Standby” mode at the same time.
Note: The HDS-8’s “Standby” button will be defeated and will not affect operation when the 12V trigger input is in use.
When the 12V trigger input not connected:
Press the button labeled “Standby” located on the front panel of the HDS-8. The blue LED on the front panel will illuminate
indicating that the HDS-8 is powered up and ready for use.
Input Selection:
Press the button labelled “Input” located on the front panel of the HDS-8 to sequentially scroll through the five (5) available
HDMI inputs to select a source component that is connected to the HDS-8. When a source is found, the corresponding red
LED on the front panel will illumimate, indicating an active connection. In the event that the connected source component is
powered off, the RED led will not illuminate. ONLY those inputs that have a powered up source connected to them can be
scrolled; for example, if you have made connections to HDMI inputs 1, 3 and 5 then you can only scroll through these three
(3) inputs – HDMI inputs 2 and 4 will automcatically be skipped.
Auto-Detect Mode:
By default, the HDS-8 operates in “Auto-Detect” mode whererby the following will scenarios occur:
When only one (1) HDMI source is connected to the HDS-8, it will automatically be selected when the
HDS-8 becomes operational, provided that the source component is powered up.
When more than one (1) HDMI source is connected to the HDS-8, the last source that was used will
automatically be selected
To disable the “Auto-Detect” mode, press and hold the ‘Input” button for two (2) seconds; the blue LED will
briefly flash. To re-enable the “Auto-Detect” mode, the HDS-8 must be placed briefly into “Standy” mode;
Whenever the HDS-8 is placed into “Standby” mode, “Auto-Detect” will be activated the next time it
becomes operational
Operating The HDS-8