Micron Echosounder
0650-SOM-00001, Issue: 02
© Tritech International Ltd.
2. Introduction
The Micron Echosounder is a sonar ranging device which, when mounted vertically gives
the height above the seabed or in any other orientation will provide a method for measuring
subsea distances. The Echosounder can be configured to operate as a single device or
paired with other devices from the Micron range.
The altimeter data output from the Micron Echosounder can be transmitted as either an
analogue signal or using an RS232/RS485 protocol.
This manual covers the setup and use of the Micron Echosounder as a stand-alone unit.
There are a wide variety of different configurations available for the Micron Echosounder and
it is important to use this manual alongside the original purchase documentation to ensure
that the correct details are to hand.