Medium: (Specification always required)
X - Oil, emulsion
W - Water
L - Air
Number of ways (specification always required)
Medium: (Specification as required)
X - Oil, emulsion
W - Water
L - Air
Number of ways (specification if required)
Shaft end: (Specification always required)
0 - closed
1 - open
Material (specification always required)
210 - 21 MPa
350 - 35 MPa
420 - 42 MPa
4.2 General description of the Roto-
stat series
The Rotostat rotary feedthrough is done via the
primary seal, generally via a patented hydro-static
control mechanism.
The primary seal refers to the sealing of the actual
feedthrough channel or channels. The seal on any
leak chambers which may be in place is referred to
as the secondary seal.
4.3 Rotostat A
Brief description
Rotostat A are rotary feedthrough with gap seals
for the transfer of fluids during medium pressures
and high speeds.
The sealing in-between stationary and rotating
parts is done via the seal gap, which are kept at
their default value via a patented hydro-static con-
trol mechanism that allows a tumble and irregular
running of the shaft.
Even during high speeds and pressures only vis-
cose friction occurs and therefore only a small, cal-
culated heat formation. The heat is dissipated via
the inherent occurring leak. The leakage losses
are in a small, pre-calculated limits.
Rotostat A is not subject to temperature fluctua-
tions and pressure impacts due to its design.
Fig. 4: Superstructure Rotostat A
Rotostat A is available in two models:
Cartridge element
Complete rotary feedthrough to the superstruc-
Technical properties
No static friction and stick/slip effects
Medium operating pressure at simultaneous
high speeds
Minor leak
Minor mechanical performance loss
Highly resistance to temperatures
Almost any fluid is possible, even non-lubri-
cating ones
Maintenance free
Rotostat • Operating instructions