that are subject to wear. If you want to reorder these parts, then that is possible
through www.trebs.nl
The guarantee for this device expires if:
The original invoice or receipt has in one way or another been changed or made illegible;
The model or serial number on the device has been changed, removed, deleted
or made illegible;
Repairs have been executed by unauthorized repair workshops or persons who
are not authorized to do so;
The damage is the result of an external cause, such as fire damage, water
damage, transport damage, atmospheric discharges, insufficient or
improper maintenance;
The device has been operated in another country than for which originally
designed, approved, released and produced, as well as defects occurred as
the result of such modifications;
The device has not been used according to the guidelines and directions in
this user manual supplied with the device.
If you have any further questions about the product after reading this manual, please
contact the Montiss customer service:
Trebs BV, Thermiekstraat 1A, 6361 HB Nuth, email: