Montgomery Ward GIL-39012B Owner'S Manual Download Page 23

Summary of Contents for GIL-39012B

Page 1: ...ilertffi ih assembly lq_a pbde with forielullicient toartae iiri iiiolTiiii i ijii iiii Make certain rim rs correct diarireter and type G n rim lubricat0 rim beads l9 t9 8 1 ll t ttt eno_fl ilvgiecota...

Page 2: ...or identificotion if unitislostor stolen Themonufocturer reseryes the rightlo mqke chongeson ond to odd improvements upon itsproductsol ony time withoutnotice or obtigttion ThemonufqLturer qiso resewe...

Page 3: ...from rotorytiller o Do not ollow onyone to operote rotorytillerwith_ out properinstruction ond supervision O Exercise coutionto ovoid folling o on tsio rt the gngine ond tinesuntilyou ore reocty lo s...

Page 4: locotionond fhe hondleheight Toswingthe hqndle bor pull bock on the lever Swinglo either righl or lett to lhe desired posilion then releqsethe conlrol leverond swing bock ond forthslighilyunfillhe...

Page 5: ...slortfotill inthe gorden rememberto toke it eosy Do nol lry to loke too deep o cul in o poss throughsod or hord ground or soilthot hos nol been tilled for severolmonfhsor yeors Do nol leon on the hond...

Page 6: ...g ond itortensine Withcbn_ trol lever in neutrol position tinesshoult not rofote lf flnesrotote reodjusttoincreqsebellslock untiltines do notdrive in neutrol WHEELDRIVEBELT Thewheel drive belt which i...

Page 7: ...d hondle in desiredposition CLUTCH CONTROL LEVER ADJUSTMENT The clutch control lever is pre setfor neutrol shitt position An odjustmenfmeons is provided how ever lo center the clulch control lever in...

Page 8: ...t droin excesslubricontout of the cos6s WHEEL DRIVE CASE Tocheck the oil levelof the wheel drive cose ptoce the depth control lever down fo lhe shollowesfsel ling Figure3 Removethe inspectionplug on l...

Page 9: ...oil Port4890 to bring to propdr oit tevet 3 Thefollowingpoinlsshould be lubricoted with engine oit every eight hours see Figure12 Be fore oiling ottemptlo cleon off oreo lo be lubri coled A The4 idler...

Page 10: ...ior r 6 Toreploce belt reverseobove procedure Besure belt ison top of tinedrive idlerprf fey oncllhe bell g uidepin neor the tine drive iosqiu iley fflguie 13 7 Reodjustbelt os ouflined under belt odj...

Page 11: ...he engine instructions for enginestoroge inslructions 2 Droingosolinefromfueltonk Runengineuntilil stops Cover exposed metol surfoceswith of engineoil Lub ricote per insfructions under servicing ond M...

Page 12: ...HANDLE CONTROLS PARTS q F I c AL q o t 12...

Page 13: ...l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V W X z AJ AK 70672 Lock Washer 3 16Ptated 71072 Cap Screw Hex Hd 9 16 18x 11 c Plated 7OQ22 MachineScrew OvalHd Phil 5 16 18 x 1 Ptated 70233 Cap Screw Hex Hd t a 16x 1 Plated 70649...

Page 14: BZ 6 V 22tgffiD s_ g PARTS cl CANSOFTOUCH UPSPRAY PAINTAREAVAILABLEBY ORDERING PartNo 13938 Gray PartNo 13255 Red cL fu o 6 i c s fl a t A 9 u ft t7 30 BP BQ K AZ H BN BO J BG BF GJ 6tt AO AP l s l...

Page 15: ...Bushing 2762 Washer z 200613 ChainCaseAssembly WheelDrive 1 208175 ChainCaseAssembly TineDrive 1 200194 LUE z 1 1 I I I 1 I I 2 Description oty 70629 Nut ConeLock5 16 18Plated I 70177 CapScrew HexHd 5...

Page 16: ...GHAINCASEPABTS Io reploce oll choin cose seols ond dosketsorder PortNo 89428 To reploce entile choin cose less linesdrder PodNo 89429 16...

Page 17: ...dlerSleeve 208181 TineShaftAss y 2O81U SpacerCup 39108 Shim Gear 208141 RetainingRing 208185 Washer lnputShaft 27489 PipePlug 703M CapScrewHexHd th Z x7aPlated 70088 ap6ercw rfsre Hdr P xlzj l T Plate...

Page 18: ...COUId createa tire hazard Inspectperiodicallyand replaceif necessary ALWAYSKEEP HANDS AND FEETCLEAROF ROTATINGPARTS IN THE INTERESTOF ENVIRONMENT A mufflerwhich leaksbecause of rustor damagecanpermita...

Page 19: ...nkcase to point of overflowing POUR SLOWLY Capacity17rpints 0 6iiters Replaceoilfill plug or oil minder EXTENDED OILFILL Optional Remove capanddipstick FILL TO FULL MARK on dipstick POUR SLOWLY Capaci...

Page 20: ...uUy elarge This assuresguick and easy starts c Disengageload from engine during start CAUTION The 120volt electricstarteris equippedwith a three prongplug for your safety The longer prong in this plug...

Page 21: ...cloth and squeezedry c Saturatefoam with engine oil Squeezeto remove ffi 4 Reassemble partsandfasten to carburetor securely with screw ASSEIIBLE ELEH I T SOLIP EXTEIIDS OVE R R EOGE OF AIRCtEAIif OIL...

Page 22: ...uretor adjustment may be required to com pensatelor differencesin fuel temperature altitudeor load TO ADJUST CARBURETOR Turn needlevalveclock wise until it just closes CAUTION Valvemay be damagedby tu...

Page 23: ...STRATTONENGINESARE MADE UNDERONE OR MOREOF THE FOLLOWINGPATENIS 2 999 491 3 194 224 3 276 439 3 526 146 3 625 071 28 960 2 999 562 3 236 937 3 305223 9 572 218 3 650 354 3 831 26E SparkPlug Gap 030 7...
