You Will
Step 2
Mount Grill
Onto Cart
• Two 7/16" wrenches or socket with
6" extension.
• Phillips head screwdriver
• Gloves to protect against sharp edges
• The grill base has 1/4–20 bolts with two
nuts pre-installed on each corner. Remove
bottom nuts on each corner and set aside.
• Check to be sure the remaining nuts on the
bottom of the grill are tight.
• Lower the grill onto the cart.
• Route the attached hose through the large
square cutout in the top of the cart as you
position the grill onto the cart.
• The bolts on the bottom of the grill should
go through the four corner holes in the top
of the cart.
• Install the four nuts on each corner to the
grill bolts protruding through the cart.
• Remove the four acorn lock nuts (1/4–20)
from the hardware bag.
• Install one acorn lock nut onto each bolt
protruding through the cart at each corner.
Le gril est extremement
lourd, Il faut deux personnes pour le
soulever et le mettre ur un chariot.
The grill is extremely heavy.
2 people are required to lift and place the
grill onto the cart.
Step 3
Mount Side
Shelf Onto
24" Grill
• The shelf should be installed after the grill
has been secured to the cart.
• Open the grill lid.
• Remove the 8 nuts and 4 bolts from the
hardware bag.
• Install bolts through the grill and secure
with nuts. Tighten.
• Mount shelf onto the four bolts. Secure with
nuts and tighten.
• Install the four remaining acorn lock nuts
onto the four shelf bolts.
The additional nut installed between the
grill and shelf serves as a spacer that will help
keep the shelf cool during long periods of cooking.
24” Grill Cart
Assembly Instructions
Use Four Bolts, 8 Nuts and 4 Acorn Lock Nuts to Secure the
Shelf to the Grill