Monnit ALTA Sensor Adapter Series Quick Start Manual Download Page 2

Using the iMonnit Online Portal 


Sensor Settings

From the overview page click on a sensor row to access 

detailed information. Click the “Edit” tab to change the 

sensor settings.





Changes made to a sensor’s settings will be applied on the 

next sensor heartbeat (check-in). Additional changes can not be 

made until the sensor has applied the previous changes. To force 

sensor communication, power cycle the sensor by removing the 

battery, waiting 30 seconds, then reinserting the battery. 

Sensor Notifications

Click “Events” in the main menu. Click “Add Event” then 

choose the type you want to create.  

Types of Notifications


Sensor Reading - Alert based on sensor reading or activity.

Battery - Alert based on battery power remaining.

Device Inactivity - Alert when a sensor has not checked in. 

Trigger Conditions - Set conditions that trigger the 






Sent From - Select devices (sensors and gateways) that 

will cause the notification to be sent.



Actions - Click the “Actions” tab to select how they will 

recieve the alert.  

(green is on, grey is off).  



All notifications will show in the list after they are created.




For more detailed instructions, documentation,  

“how-to” guides and video demonstrations on using  

Monnit wireless sensors, wireless gateways and  

iMonnit software, visit our support page at

AQS-003-1A (03/18)

Monnit, Monnit Logo, ALTA, MonnitLink and iMonnit are trademarks of Monnit, Corp.  
© 2009-2018 Monnit Corp. All Rights Reserved.


Monnit Corporation
3400 South West Temple
South Salt Lake, UT 84115

The Basics 

Setting up the Wireless Sensor Adapter 


•  Visit

 to download 

the Monnit USB Gateway Application. 


Install the application by launching the downloaded file 

and following the on-screen instructions. 

•  Connect the sensor adapter to your PC via USB cable. 

•  Launch the “MonnitLink Gateway Status” application. 

•  Click “Start Local Service”.

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