Interface Activation
There are additional interfaces available for activation on your Gateway Settings page. To
activate them, choose the Interface Activation bullet. Toggle on each of the interfaces to
access their individual settings.
SNMP Interface –
SNMP stands for Simple
Network Management Protocol) is an Internet
application protocol that manages and monitors
network device functionality. Monnit uses SNMP
version 1. These settings can both be configured
both on iMonnit and the local interface.
Inbound IP Range Start and End -
is the IP address for the SNMP client. If
you have one device to communicate with,
the start and end IP addresses will be the
same. Exchanging information with multiple
machines will require a set of different start
and end IP addresses.
Inbound Port -
This is the number for where
specifically in the server data from the gate
way is received.
Trap IP Address
- The IP Address for the
SNMP Server where the trap will be sent.
Trap Port
– The server port where the trap
alert state is sent when active.
SNMP Community String –
This is used to
support SNMPv1 protocol by giving access
to a router’s or other device’s statistics. The
default will be set to “public.”
Trap Settings
The switch for Trap Settings will be disabled
by default. Enable to view the trap settings.