Fixing Your GS FX to a Wall
CAUTION: You will need to determine where the GS FX will be fixed and the
structure of the wall. For safety reasons, if you are unsure of your
ability to provide a secure and safe fixing, do not attempt to fix these
speakers to your wall, please obtain the services of a competent qualified
trades person.
CAUTION: Ensure that there are no water pipes or electricity cables running
behind where the wall brackets are going to be secured. Work from
secure steps and avoid trailing wires.
The GS FX comes with a pressed steel plate that secures to the wall and then the
cabinet is hung on it. The plate, has elongated holes for easy adjustment to ensure it
is perfectly square. To fix your GS FX’s to the wall, follow these simple instructions.
We would recommend using the wall fixing template enclosed within the packaging
When you are sure of the location of your GS FX, mark on the wall the centres
of the securing screws. These should be 175mm (6 7/8“) apart. Please use
the template to mark the centres.
For fixing to plasterboard (sheet-rock) or a solid wall use a suitable 7mm
(1/4”) drill bit. Drill the two positions (each speaker) deep enough to accept
the enclosed wall plugs. This should be approx 45mm (1 3⁄4”). Insert the wall
plugs, a hammer may be required to insert them completely into the wall.
Hold the plate against the wall, lined up with your holes, and start to screw
the provided self tapping screws into the wall. Align the plate so that it is
square. Ensure that the screws are tight against the plate, and do not turn
For fixing to a timber wall, drill a pilot hole (approx 2 - 3mm or 1/16 – 1/8 ”)
and screw the self tapping screws into the pilot hole. Align the plate so that it
is square. Ensure that the screws are tight against the plate, and do not turn
You can use further fixing points along the slots if you desire.
Hang your GS FX on to the fixing plate and sit back and enjoy.
For recommendations on where to hang your GS FX please refer to the FAQ’s on our
web site:
© Monitor Audio Ltd 2005