Configuring the Printer 3-7
C o m m u n i c a t i n g w i t h t h e H a n d h e l d
The printer and handheld cannot communicate unless they use these
communication parameter values:
Baud Rate
- 19200
Stop Bits
- 1
- None
Data Bits
- 8
Flow Control
The following control characters are related to communications between the
printer and the handheld.
Command Summary
12 hex (Auxon)
Sent by the printer to indicate the printer is
online (transmitted upon initial power up, a
paper reload, or clearing of a paper jam).
15 hex (Auxoff)
Sent by the printer just before a power down
or when the supplies run out.
11 hex (Xon)
Sent by either device to indicate it is ready to
receive data.
13 hex (Xoff)
Sent by the receiving device to indicate the
transmission must end.