1. Ensure you have the wire antenna attached inserted it into FS ANT near
the top of the meter.
2. Set FWD/REF to FWD
3. To calibrate the meter, have your helper select a channel or frequency on
your transmitter and hold down its transmit key. Tell the helper not to
speak into the microphone. Then, while the helper holds down the transmit
key, walk around inside the marks you made using the steps in “Preparing
the Antenna Site” earlier, covering as much area inside the circle as you
can. As you walk, watch the meter’s needle. If it moves to the right of 5 on
the FIELD STRENGTH scale, moved the sliding control on the front of the
meter until the needle lines up with 5 on the scale.
4. To measure field strength, as the helper continues to hold down the
transmit key, move to the marked spot on the circle due north of the
antenna, then watch the meter’s needle. Note the reading on the FIELD
STRENGTH scale and place a dot on the template corresponding to the
reading at that point.
In this example, the needle shows a 4 on the FIELD STRENGTH scale.
Place a dot where the spoke representating the path you walked from the
centre of the circle intersects the circle marked with a 4 on the template.
If you use a radio that has sideband modes (SSB), do not select any of
these modes. (Use only AM for field strength measurements)
If you have an amateur radio, select the continuous wave (CW) or
tuning mode to check the field strength.
5. Move to each marked spot along the circular path then repeat Step 4 for
each one, taking another reading and recording that reading on the
Here is an example of a completed template. It shows an antenna mounted
on the rear bumper of an automobile that is parked facing north. The field
strength readings form a two lobed pattern when plotted, meaning the
antenna’s power is greatest at the front, weaker at the back, and almost
nonexistent at the sides.