Be sure to use appropriate
protective gear and remove the
battery pack from the tool.
Make sure area is well ventilated
and free of flammable vapors.
See Fig. 2, 3, 4
TIP: Make sure the type of material you use can be
cleaned with either mineral spirits or paint thinner
(for oil-based paints) or a warm water and soap
solution (for water soluble paints like latex). Use
drops cloths during pouring, mixing, and viscosity
testing of materials to be sprayed to protect your
floors and anything else in the spraying area that
you wish to remain untouched.
Most paints and stains are supplied ready for brush
applications. They may need to be thinned (diluted)
before using in the Spray Gun. Refer to the paint
manufacturer's recommendations for thinning their
product. Test the viscosity of the product before
Do not use materials with a
flashpoint higher than 60
C (140
A mixing bucket needs to be prepared (not supplied)
to use when transferring spray material from the
original container into the bucket for thinning and
measuring purposes
(fig. 2)
A viscosity test cup is provided to determine the
"Run-out time" of the material being used.
Before measuring for the proper viscosity, stir the
material thoroughly. When shaken, air bubbles
are produced which may give an uneven spray. If
the paint or other fluid is old, it may be necessary
to strain the fluid of all debris and lumps before
Dip the viscosity cup into the material being
sprayed and fill the cup completely.
With the cup held over the material container,
measure the amount of time it takes for the
stream of material flowing out to "break" or stop
being a constant stream out of the bottom of the
cup (35
or less)
(fig. 3)
. This is the "Run-
out time" Refer to the thinning table for
information on the thinning required for different
If material needs thinning, add the appropriate
liquid thinning material recommended by the
(fig. 4)
It is possible to spray latex paint with this unit,
however, the required thinning may exceed
material manufacturer's recommendation. Thin
latex paint so that it runs through viscosity cup in
under 28
. The operator should consider
the type of application and final location of the
project when spraying a material that requires
more than 28
to run through the
viscosity cup.
Spraying Materials
Recommend Viscosity
Time (In Seconds)
Plastic and latex paint
24 ~ 28
Water based paints
20 ~ 25
24 ~ 28
20 ~ 25
Oil based paints
18 ~ 22
Enamel paints
18 ~ 22
Aluminum paints
22 ~ 25
Car under-seal
25 ~ 35
Wood sealers
28 ~ 35
Wood preservatives
No thinning required
Wood stains
No thinning required
Note: Not recommended for textured paint
If the paint takes longer than the
recommended time to empty from the Viscosity Cup,
then further thinning is necessary. Mix in a small
quantity of the appropriate thinner and test the
viscosity again until the correct viscosity is achieved.
If particles or lumps are present, strain the paint using
a disposable strainer (not supplied) until clean.
Always stir and strain the material thoroughly
before use.
With any spraying job you should always ensure
that you have properly prepared the surface to get
the best finish. That is, all surfaces are free from
dust, dirt, rust and grease. Lightly pressure wash
decks or exterior surfaces and ensure that they are
dry before spraying.
Even though this sprayer has very little over-spray,
it is recommended that you mask all edges and
other areas and use drop cloths to protect your
floors and anything else in the spraying area that
you wish to remain untouched.
Skin that forms on the top of paint can clog the
sprayer. Remove skin before mixing. Strain with a
funnel with a filter attached or through hosiery to
remove any impurities that could clog system.
Before starting have gloves, paper towels, rags etc.
available for unexpected spills.
See Fig. 5, 6
The Pickup Tube can be aligned in the direction that
you will be doing the most spraying to help minimize
the number of times that you will have to refill the
Unscrew the Canister from the Canister Lid.
Carefully pull off the Pickup Tube.
Turn the Spray Gun upside down and apply a few
drops of light oil into the
hole beside the