Tweed Super
Style Amp Kit Manual 2012
Page 4
Internal Wiring
Follow the color coded wiring diagram closely, twist the filament wires (6.3v heater wires) together from
transformer and between tube sockets to reduce hum from 120ac voltage.
Have enough of the power cord inside chassis to reach fuse, switch and ground
Affix the floating fiberboard, noting it is held in place by the wires, attach backing with rubber cement if
necessary (or mount directly to chassis)
Place entire fiberboard inside the chassis noting the orientation (see schematic)
Connect corresponding wires to hardware, try to keep wire short and runs as neat as possible. This will
help make future troubleshooting and repair easier.
On Standby Switch, solder (1) 0.047uF @ 600V cap to left lug and ground.
Solder (2) ½ W 100 Ohm resistors - solder from the pilot light to ground
Solder (1) ½ W 1 Meg resistor from Input 1 to ground tied to Input 2. This grounds the input of the amp so
that no hum or noise picked up by the amp when the guitar cable is unplugged.
On the Bright Volume potentiometer, (looking from the back with the lugs pointing up), solder a 100pF cap
from the center lug to the right lug. Solder the left lug to ground. The 100pF cap accomplishes a bypass to
brighten the tone. The higher the value of the cap, the brighter the sound.
On the Presence potentiometer, solder a 0.1uF @ 600V to the center lug and to ground. Solder left lug
to ground. The Presence is a power amp control that effects the amount of high end (or treble) frequency
coming from the power amp section of the amp.
On each power tube socket, solder (1) ½ W 1.5K ohm grid resistor from pin 5 to 6.
Try to avoid crossing wires over each other.
Before you plug the amp in check and re-check your wiring.
If you are not clear on any part of the
circuit, ask someone.
Photo 7 - Internal Wiring