Cleaner lines and fresh styling
make Turbofan 32 MAX an
attractive addition to any front
of house operation. A full size
viewing window and dual internal
oven viewing lights enhance
product merchandising by letting
you see more, and a functional
control panel layout provides ease
of use.
A powerful bi-directional
reversing fan system gives
Turbofan 32 MAX a much
improved air circulation and
enables you to achieve consistent
results through evenness of
cooking or baking.
A compact footprint means
Turbofan 32 MAX ovens and
provers take up less floor space
and can be installed in tight
spaces - allowing more room for
ex t ra m e rc h a n d i s i n g a n d
production equipment.
MAX ovens can be placed on a
countertop, mounted on a prover,
or positioned on one of our
stands with tray storage. They
can also be double stacked,
offering greater production
capability. Baking and cooling
racks are available.
S t y l e t o
t h e M A X
More Space
t o C r e a t e
M a x i m u m
C o n s i s t e n c y