Snapshots and display mode
Se ng up an image:
- Image mode: op mize image quality for General
type of images. Use
up /
down to scroll
through the preset image se ngs: Standard,
Dynamic, Movie, Sports, and Personal.
- Advanced se ngs:
Access to advanced image quality improvement
Brightness: adjusts the brightness of the image.
Color: adjusts the color satura on.
Image contrast/ clarity: an advanced technique for
improving image quality.
Reset: resets the image se ngs.
Display se ng
- display screen Mode: adjust the image size. Use
up /
down to scroll through the preset
se ngs: Wide format, Normal, Full, and Zoom.
- Autoscreen : automa cally adjusts the screen
mode depending on the signal. Turn the TV on and
Sound adjustment:
func ons for adjus ng the
sound and speakers.
-Audio customiza on mode: op mize the sound
quality for General content. Use
up /
down to
view the preset audio se ngs: Sports, Standard,
Movies, Music, and news.
- Surround: Reproduces realis c surround sound
when playing 5.1-channel audiosources . Turn the
TV on and off a er se ng the se ngs.
- Advanced se ngs: access addi onal op ons to
improve the sound quality.
Se ng the volume:
1) Automa c Auto Volume: maintains a constant
volume level for all programs and inputs. Turn the
TV on and off a er se ng the se ngs.
2) Balance: adjust the balance of the speakers.
3) digital audio output Volume: applies to PCM
only. The volume levels between PCM and
compressed audio will differ.
4) digital audio output Delay: set the delay me for
digital audio.
5) volume Offset: adjust the sound level of the
current input rela ve to other inputs.
Sound mode:
1) surround sound effect: Use
to scroll
Surround sound effect.
2) Equalizer: Use
up / down to
scroll Equalizer.
Reset: resets all sound se ngs.
Placement on TV:
choose the TV placement
method. Place the TV on a stable support or table.
It is possible to mount the TV on the ceiling or on
the wall.
Placement of the digital audio output:
op cal
output for audio signals from Digtal Audio Out
Режим Dolby Digital Plus mode: on and Off
bu ons.