5.12 Half Tempo
The x0xb0x is also capable of playing the selected tempo at 50% whilst keeping the
internal sync at 100% (also while using External SYNC). Normally this is not possible while
playing in SYNC MODE. To play the x0xb0x at half-tempo, please hold down the DONE-
key and press 1 x the TAP-TEMPO-knob (TEMPO encoder). As soon as the sequencer
has reached the last step, the x0xb0x will start playing the next step in half-tempo. If you
want to return to original tempo, please refer back to the above point and the x0xb0x will
make the next step again in original pace.
6. Track Edit
A track consists of several individual patterns. The x0xb0x can save up to 16 tracks. These
will stay in memory even after switching off the x0xb0x. A track contains not only the
pattern information, also REST, ACCENT, SLIDE, and pitch information can be stored. To
access the Track Edit mode, turn the function knob to Track Edit. As in Pattern Edit mode,
the track is loaded first into the volatile memory. Therefore, you should save after entering
a track so that the track will be still available after turning off the x0xb0x.
6.1 Selecting a Tracks
Make sure you are not in the Step Write mode or running the sequencer.
The RUN / STOP LED should be off. The current to be processed track is shown by one of
the 16 LED's. To change a track, just use the bank knob. This clears the current settings
and loads a new track.
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xoxbox MK 2
Mode Machines is a Division of Touched by Sound GmbH - Email: [email protected]