LED Signaling: Operating Statuses and Error Messages
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2. Both units receive sufficient power from the PoE switch (green LEDs). A
data connection from the end device (PC) to the PoE switch is established (orange
LEDs), however, no data is currently being transferred.
3. The blinking of the orange LEDs on both units indicates that data is being transferred
from the camera to the switch via .
4. When the green LED on the sender lights up rather than blinks, this indicates that
no PoE-supplied end device is in operation here.
Overview: Error Messages 1 to 3
LED 1 – Sender LED 2 – Sender
LED 1 – Receiver
LED 2 – Receiver
1. Sender receives sufficient power from the PoE switch. A data connection to the PoE
switch is established via Ethernet. Although sufficient power is being supplied to
the receiver, no connection to the end device is established.
Troubleshooting tip
: Either the network cable between the receiver and the end
device is not functioning properly (cable is defective or too long) or there is a problem
with the end device.
2. Sender receives sufficient power from the PoE switch. A data connection to the PoE
switch is established via Ethernet. Receiver is not functioning, as it is not receiving
any power and can therefore not establish a connection to the end device.
Troubleshooting tip
: Either the two-wire connection is not functioning properly (inter-
rupted or too long) or there is a problem with the receiver.
3. The sender itself does not receive any power from the switch and no data connec-
tion is established. This means that the receiver cannot function either.
Troubleshooting tip
: Either the network cable between the sender and the switch is
not functioning properly (cable is defective or too long) or there is a problem with the
switch (either not suitable for or faulty) or with the sender.