Q. The camera is not recognized as a removable disk.
A. The operating system must be XP or greater. The camera must be connected
using a standard USB cable. Confirm the cable is not defective by attaching another
USB device using the same cable. Do not use a USB hub. Try using another USB
port. Defective cables are the most common problems when the camera is not
correctly recognized by the PC.
Q. An SD card is installed, but the camera is not recognized as a removable disk or
by mSetup.
A. If you are sure your USB cable is not defective, then it's possible that the PC USB
drivers are not working properly. Make sure your BIOS is not configured to boot from
a USB device, then try connecting the camera before turning on the PC. After the PC
is turned on, the camera should be recognized as a removable disk.
DriveCleanup.exe (freeware) may also be able to fix USB corruption problems.
Q. When the camera is connected as an external disk all the files on the SD card
appear as corrupt.
A. There is a problem with your cable or the PC USB drivers are corrupt.
DriveCleanup.exe (freeware) may be able to fix USB corruption problems.
Q. Connection to the PC is erratic and the camera disconnects for no reason. The
firmware version in both the syscfg2.txt file and the setup program is shown
incorrectly. The camera performs erratically.
A. Make sure the correct kernel, rootfs and firmware are installed. It is imperative that
both the kernel and rootfs are the correct versions for which the firmware was
Q. The camera does not charge or does not automatically start recording when
external power is connected and the Power On - Auto Record is set appropriately.
A. External USB power exceeds ~5.25V or is under-powered. Overload voltage
protection will protect the camera against up to max. 24V.
Q. Playback is erratic or stutters or the playback colors are psychedelic or the video
flashes, has corrupted blocks etc.
A. Always first copy the video file from the memory card to your hard drive.
Your PC or graphics card may not be powerful enough to playback the video
You may not have enough memory installed in your PC.
Use VLC Media Player or MPC-HC (Media Player Classic - Home Cinema).
Windows Media Player often chokes on underpowered machines.
Psychedelic colors may also indicate problems with the CMOS lens module.
Make sure the CMOS lens cable is correctly seated and not cracked. The lens
cable is very fragile.
Q. The camera functions normally but the video is completely black.
A. Make sure the lens cap is removed.
Q. There is a distinctive buzzing or clicking noise when videos are played back.
A. Only use quality micro SD cards with a class rating of 10. Low quality cards can
draw excessive current which may result in electrical noise in the recording.
This manual was last updated on 15 June 2016