Crawling is an important step in child development. When a child is on his/her hands and knees, the arm and leg joints, muscles
and connective tissues receive feedback (proprioceptive feedback) to let the brain know where the body is in space which helps
stabilize the joints. Crawling is also believed by many to be one of the most essential developmental phases for optimal future
learning. Not only does it strengthen the neck, extremities, and trunk muscles of a young child, but the mechanics of crawling are
believed to stimulate different areas of the brain which influence the child’s ability to learn. It’s also the precursor to walking since
the arms and legs are moved in a similar pattern while walking. As opposed to a caregiver (or two) attempting to support the
patient’s arms, legs, head and trunk, the CrawlAhead allows the patient to move and support themselves independently. This frees
the caregiver to encourage the child to crawl, reach for objects, develop weight‐shifting and improve head control. Other similar
devices currently exist on the market, but all have severe shortcomings compared to benefits of the CrawlAhead.
The CrawlAhead was designed to be used for a variety of different diagnoses or motor conditions that hinder the child from get-
ting into or maintaining a quadruped position.
Examples of Indications:
Neurological Conditions e.g
.: Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida,
Pediatric Neurotransmitter Disease, etc…..
Genetic syndrome conditions e.g.:
Angelman Syndrome,
Down Syndrome, etc….
Orthopedic conditions e.g.:
Cranial deformities and limb
deformities, etc…..
G-tube, J-tube and similar ostomy ports. (Wrap gauze or
wash towel to create a barrier)
Recent wounds around the torso that come in contact with
the harness (surgical or trauma)
Anything that would prevent a child to be in a quadruped
Tracheostomy- ventilator or non-ventilator dependent
Anything that prevents a harness to be applied to the torso
(please consult with your physician or clinician).