Ensure the armrest is securely locked BEFORE using the wheelchair.
Do not stand on the frame of the wheelchair.
Always use the hand rims for self propulsion. Do not grip the rear wheels
The wheelchair is suitable for indoors and out, but avoid
prolonged bumpy terrain. Use proper caregiver techniques when
negotiating obstacles. Consult with your MOBB Healthcare
dealer for proper usage.
The wheel locks are used while the occupant is sitting and
stationary, or getting into or out of the wheel chair. The wheel
locks are not meant to arrest the chair while moving. Doing so
could cause injury and/or wheelchair damage.
1. Unfolding
- Locate the two rails on the seat rest. This is where the seat
fabric is attached to. Push down on the seat rails and the chair
will widen.
2. Fold
- Depress locking tabs on the back of the backrest"canes"
to allow backrest to fold.
- Turn the right and left foot plates upward to the vertical
- Pull up on the middle of section of the cushion to fold.
3. Attach footrest
- Find the small vertical post at the top of the foot rest frame.
Insert it into the correspondig hole on the frame of the wheel
chair. Rotate the leg rest frame to align with the wheelchair
frame and you should hear an audible click as it engages.
4. Adjustment of Foot Plate.
- Remove the screw from the foot rest frame. Slide footplate
up and down to desired height. Re-install screw and nut.
5. Anti-tippers
- Remove the rubber tube end where the anti-tippers
will be placed.
Insert the anti-tipper housing onto the wheelchair frame and
insert screw through housing and wheelchair frame. Do not
over tighten.
- To adjust anti-tipper height, pull back on red tabs and adjust
anti-tippers to desired height. Consult with your health care
provider or wheelchair retailer for the proper height for you.
Detachable Desk Length
Swing Away
Footrest release/lock
Swing Away
Foot plate/rest
uick Release
24" Rear wheel
8" Caster
Shown in white for detail. Actual wheelchair is black.