- Look up connected devices
Select the speaker and choose ‘Disconnect’.
- The speaker will make a beep sound to confirm it is un-paired
and disconnected.
- Now the speaker can connect to other mobile devices.
3. Play / Pause / Shutdown
- Press and hold button to power ON. A beep sound is heard to
confirm the speaker is connected.
- Press ON/OFF button to start playing music
- Press ON/OFF button to Pause.
- Press again to resume.
POWER OFF speaker
- Press and hold the power button to power OFF. A beep sound is
heard to confirm the speaker is OFF.
4. Charging
- Pull up the top half of the speaker to expose the micro USB port
(see fig. 1).
Fig.1: Speaker fully opened for charging
- Use the USB cable provided and connect the micro USB plug to
the USB charging port of the speaker.
- Connect the other end of the USB cable to the