11. Control via USB (M72R1 / M72S1)
11.1. Rack M72R8 and M72S8
The 19” rack enclosure can house up to eight M72R1 or M72S1 modules. The power supply is
fed through the 9 pin D-Sub socket at the back of the amplifier modules (Figure 9). This socket
also provides a serial RS-232 interface for communication with the rack enclosure. All functions
of the amplifier modules are controlled via the USB port at the rear of the rack enclosure.
The power supply socket is also located at the rear side of the rack enclosures. It is a circular
DC power connector for the supplied mains plug adapter or another DC source with 8 to 28 V
and 2 A.
Figure 8: Rack enclosure M72R8
(front and rear view, without modules)
Figure 9: Contact assignment at the M72R1 and M72S1 (view at socket)
Figure 7: Rack enclosure M72S8 with tower feet
(front and rear view, with 8 modules M72S1)