Your new #9308 Curv Pro
Circle and Ellipse Router Jig is designed to work with any
router. A plunge router may be easier to use with this jig, but is not required. Please
read and understand the included instructions and familiarize yourself with the
operation of this jig before attempting to operate your router with this fixture. Follow
all safety precautions outlined in your router manual and wear appropriate clothing
and eye protection when using any power tool.
Capabilities of this Jig:
Circle range:
Maximum radius: 44-5/8"
Maximum diameter: 89-1/4"
Minimum radius: 11-3/8"
Minimum diameter: 22-3/4"
Ellipse range:
Maximum Size: 89-1/2" x 80-1/2"--85-3/4"
Minimum Size: 22-3/4" x 26-5/8"--32"
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