SW 836502
pH and Redox Transmitter
Introduction ............................. 5
Safety instructions ..................... 5
Repair ........................................... 5
Explosion hazardous areas ........... 5
Construction ............................. 6
Product identification ................. 6
Mounting .................................. 7
Electrode types ............................. 7
Mounting the electrode ............. 8
Gasket, O-ring and plug ................ 8
Mechanical mounting .............. 10
General ....................................... 10
Open and closed systems .......... 10
Mounting in open channels and
reservoirs .................................... 10
Mounting in closed systems ........ 11
Mounting on a pipe stub ............. 12
Electrical mounting .................. 13
General ....................................... 13
Signal cable ................................ 13
Cutting the signal cable ...................
Cutting the signal cable ............... 14
Extending the signal cable .......... 14
Connection examples .............. 15
Local display ............................... 15
Panel display .............................. 15
Connection to PLC/PLS .............. 15
Buffer adjustment .................. 16
General ................................... 16
Buffer liquid ............................. 16
Cleaning .................................. 17
Buffer adjustment using the
switch ring............................... 17
Example of buffer adjustment
in pH 4 and 7 .............................. 18
Buffer adjustment using the tilt
switch ..................................... 19
Maintenance .......................... 21
General ................................... 21
Intervals ...................................... 21
Redox electrodes ........................ 21
Cleaning of elektrodes ............. 21
Electrode lifetime ..................... 21
Spares .................................... 22
Dimensions ............................. 22
Specifications .......................... 22
Dimensions ............................. 22
Appendices ............................ 23
Error codes ............................. 23
Standard transmitter
configuration ........................... 23
commands: ................. 23
Accessories for mechanical
mounting ................................. 24
Accessories for electrical
mounting ................................. 25