Space Saving and Compact Design Makes Quick
Scope Easy-to-use and Affordable!
Built-in control unit for QS
The illumination intensity and zoom lens control
unit is built-in to the housing for protection.
True color image processing function
A color CCD camera is used to provide
for realistic workpiece observation and
measurement. The color image can be captured
and stored as a bitmap image for other uses and
can be printed out.
Fiber-optic ring light provides sharp, clear
images of your workpiece (QS and QS-L models)
In addition to surface and contour illumination, the QS and QS-L models of Quick Scope are equipped
with a fiber-optic ring light as standard equipment, providing clear color images without shadows.
Print sample
of video printer
Surface (coaxial)
Easy operation with multi-function
control box (optional accessory)
Data entry key
Counter zero-set key
Zoom lens magnification control key
Illumination control key
Fiber-optic ring light
Contour (stage) illumination