Make sure that the product operates properly upon completing repair work. Clean the product and the surround-
ing area, and then notify the customer of the completion of repair.
Request for repair
Inspect the earth condition, and repair it if it is incomplete. Make sure that an earth leakage breaker or an
overload protection device is installed. If it is not installed, recommend the dealer to install one.
Incorrect handling of the product may result in injury or
damage to properties including buildings and equipment.
Caution for injury
Do not work at a location where you do not have a
sure footing.
( Failure to heed this caution may result in
a fall.)
Wear gloves
Wear gloves when servicing.
(Failure to heed this caution may result in
injury to your hands from sharp metal or
other edges.)
Be sure to follow
this instruction.
Prevent water leakage
• Before removing any of the water-related parts,
completely drain the residual water from the piping.
• Upon completing repair work, be sure to check the
drainage of the indoor unit and that no water leaks
from any of the piping connections.
(Water leakage may cause buildings to
soil, leading to secondary failure of other
Be sure to follow
this instruction.
2. Names and functions of components
Lossnay core
Temperature and humidity
are exchanged between
supply air and exhaust air.
High efficiency filters (Optional parts)
Removes dust from the outside air.
Damper plate
Switches between the Lossnay
ventilation and normal ventilation.
Air filter
Prevents clogs in the Lossnay core
*The illustration shows GUF-50RDH4.
Control box
Maintenance cover
Ceiling suspension fixture
Exhaust fan
Fan used to expel dirty air to outside of the room
Direct expansion coil
Heats or cools the air supply after heat exchange.
Electronic expansion valve
Maintenance cover (for humidifying)
Permeable-film humidifier
Performs clean humidifying of the air supply
after heat exchange.
Not available on GUF-50/100RD
Discharge valve
Drain discharge hole
Service valve
Strainer (O-ring installed)
Air supply fan
Fan to supply outside air to the inside
Water supply tube
Supplies water to the permeable-film humidifier.
Duct connection flange