Memory addresses are always written in base 16 or hexadecimal notation.
Unlike the ten digits of the decimal system (0-9), hexadecimal uses sixteen
digits (0-9 and A-F, where A=10, B=11, C=12 and so on up to F=15).
Hexadecimal numbers are denoted either by the suffix “h” or by the prefix
“0x”. The final digit of a five-digit memory address is often omitted, so
C8000h may be written as C800h. Since amounts of memory are usually
stated as kilobytes rather than in hexadecimal notation, the following
conversion table may be helpful:
4 Kbytes =
32 Kbytes =
8 Kbytes =
64 Kbytes =
16 Kbytes = 4000h
128 Kbytes = 20000h
The card’s documentation should list its possible base memory
addresses. You will also need to know how much memory the card
has, so that you can leave the right gap between this card’s base
address and the next.
Installing the card
The only tool required is a small cross-head screwdriver
1. Turn off the computer and unplug all power cords.
2. Take suitable anti-static precautions and remove the system unit
If you are unfamiliar with the recommended anti-static precautions and/or the
process of removing the system unit cover, refer to Appendix A, “Inside the
System Unit”.