9 PDS Control Objects
9.2 [Statusword (Obj. 6041h)]
[Bit 10: OMS]
*1 Available on servo amplifiers with firmware version A5 or later.
*2 Available on servo amplifiers with firmware version B0 or later.
[Bit 12: OMS]
*1 Available on servo amplifiers with firmware version A5 or later.
*2 Available on servo amplifiers with firmware version B0 or later.
Setting value
1 (pp)
Target reached
0: Halt (Bit 8) = 0: Target position not reached.
0: Halt (Bit 8) = 1: Axis decelerates.
1: Halt (Bit 8) = 0: Target position reached.
1: Halt (Bit 8) = 1: Velocity of axis is 0.
Judgment condition of Target position reached:
When the time set in [Position window time (Obj. 6068h)] elapses in a state where the difference between the
values in [Position actual value (Obj. 6064h)] and [Target position (Obj. 607Ah)] is equal to or below the value set
in [Position window (Obj. 6067h)], the state becomes "Target position reached".
0: Halt (Bit 8) = 0: Target velocity not reached.
0: Halt (Bit 8) = 1: Axis decelerates.
1: Halt (Bit 8) = 0: Target velocity reached.
1: Halt (Bit 8) = 1: Velocity of axis is 0.
Judgment condition of Target velocity reached:
When the time set in [Velocity window time (Obj. 606Eh)] elapses in a state where the difference between the
values in [Velocity actual value (Obj. 606Ch)] and [Target velocity (Obj. 60FFh)] is equal to or below the value set
in [Velocity window (Obj. 606Dh)], the state becomes "Target velocity reached".
4 (tq)
Target reached (not
0: Halt (Bit 8) = 0: Target torque not reached.
0: Halt (Bit 8) = 1: Axis decelerates.
1: Halt (Bit 8) = 0: Target torque reached.
1: Halt (Bit 8) = 1: Velocity of axis is 0.
Judgment condition of Target torque reached:
When the time set in [Torque window time] elapses in a state where the difference between the values in [Torque
actual value (Obj. 6077h)] and [Target torque (Obj. 6071h)] is equal to or below the value set in [Torque window],
the state becomes "Target torque reached".
6 (hm)
Target reached
Bit 13 off/bit 12 off/bit 10 off: Homing procedure is in progress.
Bit 13 off/bit 12 off/bit 10 on: Homing procedure is interrupted or not started.
Bit 13 off/bit 12 on/bit 10 off: Homing is attained, but target is not reached.
Bit 13 off/bit 12 on/bit 10 on: Homing procedure is completed successfully.
Bit 13 on/bit 12 off/bit 10 off: Homing error occurred, velocity is not 0.
Bit 13 on/bit 12 off/bit 10 on: Homing error occurred, velocity is 0.
Bit 13 on/bit 12 on/bit 10 off: -
8 (csp)
9 (csv)
10 (cst)
-104 (ct)
Setting value
1 (pp)
0: Positioning completed (waiting for next command)
1: Positioning in progress (possible to overwrite a setpoint)
0: Speed is not equal 0
1: Speed is equal 0
Judgment condition of Speed is not equal 0:
When the time set in [Velocity threshold time (Obj. 6070h)] elapses in a state where the absolute value of
[Velocity actual value (Obj. 606Ch)] is equal to or above the setting value of [Velocity threshold (Obj. 606Fh)], the
bit becomes "Speed is not equal 0".
4 (tq)
6 (hm)
Homing attained
Refer to the following.
8 (csp)
Drive follows the
command value
0: [Target position (Obj. 607Ah)] is being discarded.
1: [Target position (Obj. 607Ah)] is being used as a position control loop input.
9 (csv)
0: [Target velocity (Obj. 60FFh)] is being discarded.
1: [Target velocity (Obj. 60FFh)] is being used as a speed control loop input.
10 (cst)
0: [Target torque (Obj. 6071h)] is being discarded.
1: [Target torque (Obj. 6071h)] is being used as a torque control loop input.
-104 (ct)
Drive follows the
command value
0: [Target torque (Obj. 6071h)] is being discarded.
1: [Target torque (Obj. 6071h)] is being used as a continuous operation to torque control loop input.